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Barbara Candiotti is a former High Tech Worker who now focuses on photography, art, and writing.

You can find her website at

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Alexis Child hails from Toronto, Canada. She is a former Social Service Worker, befriending the demons that roam freely amongst her writings. Her fiction and poetry haunts numerous online and print publications. Besides having rare mystical experiences she hopes are not just short circuits in the brain, she offers Tarot Readings and writes fiction and poetry, starving in the garret with her muse. Alexis' debut collection of horror poetry, Devil in the Clock, is available on Amazon, followed by Singing the Bones (Cyberwit Publishing, 2022). Her third full-length collection of horror/occult/mystical poetry, Exquisite Corpse, is coming soon from Cyberwit Publishing. You have been warned...

Please find Alexis here:

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Binod Dawadi, a polymath from Kathmandu, Nepal, is a beacon of creativity, intellect, and activism. Armed with a master's degree in English, Dawadi wields the power of words to enact societal change. His journey as a writer, teacher, artist, photographer, model, and singer is a testament to his boundless passion and talent.

Dawadi's artistic endeavors transcend conventional boundaries. His digital paintings and photography capture the essence of his surroundings, while his literary works provide profound insights into the human condition. His commitment to social progress is palpable in every stroke of his brush and syllable of his pen.

As an advocate for change, Dawadi actively participates in global events and exhibitions. From the "International Art Festival" in Korea to the "Creating People's Side Virtual International Exhibition" in Hungary, his work has graced prestigious platforms worldwide. Each exhibition serves as a testament to his unwavering dedication to enlightenment and transformation.

In addition to his visual artistry, Dawadi's written works have left an indelible mark on the literary world. His contributions to esteemed publications such as Prodigy Published, Poetry Soup, and ILA Magazine have garnered widespread acclaim. Furthermore, his authored books, including the iconic The Power of Words series and Serenity’s Ecstasy, serve as beacons of inspiration for readers worldwide.

Beyond his artistic pursuits, Dawadi's involvement in education and activism further solidifies his role as a catalyst for change. As a teacher, he imparts knowledge and wisdom to future generations, nurturing minds to think critically and creatively. His advocacy efforts, exemplified by his participation in events like "Speak Up Be Heard," underscore his unwavering commitment to social justice and equality.

In every facet of his life, Binod Dawadi embodies the transformative power of art and words. His journey is a testament to the belief that through creativity, education, and activism, meaningful change can be achieved, one brushstroke, one sentence, one melody at a time.

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Shikhar Dixit’s stuff has appeared in such venues as Weird Horror, Space & Time, Dark Regions, Journ-E, Strange Horizons and Not One of Us. His fiction has been printed in several anthologies, including The Darker Side, Songs From Dead Singers, and Barnes & Noble’s 365 Scary Stories. He lives with his wife somewhere in the deep, dark heart of New Jersey. To learn more, visit his website at

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Joel Fishbane's novel The Thunder of Giants is available from St. Martin's Press and his speculative fiction has appeared in Orca, On Spec, Metastellar, and Dark Horses.

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“Matter of the Heart” appears in Strange Italies: Twelve Tales of Shadow from a Sunlit Land forthcoming from The Hidden Library/La Bibliothèque Secrète. In this collection, author Angelisa Fontaine-Wood weaves past and present to transport the reader into an uncanny Italy haunted by the bizarre and the beyond.

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Tim Hildebrandt is a writer in Indianapolis, Indiana. His short stories have appeared in Consequence Forum, the Boston Literary Magazine, Pandemic Magazine, Bending Genres, Corvus Review, and others. You can see his work at:

Tim has a bootless BFA, he lived in San Francisco in '68, traveled Europe from Amsterdam to Africa, and survived combat in Vietnam.

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Michelle Kaseler is a software engineer by trade, but can be whatever she wants to be when she reads and writes. She enjoys funky shoes, hot sauces, and long runs. Her short fiction has been published by Flame Tree, Daily Science Fiction, and Stop by to learn more.

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E.E. King is an award-winning painter, performer, writer, and naturalist - She’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals.

Ray Bradbury called her stories, “marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend them highly enough.”

She’s been published in over 200 magazines and anthologies, including Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, Short Edition, Daily Science Fiction, and Flametree.

Her novels include Dirk Quigby's Guide to the Afterlife: All you need to know to choose the right heaven.

Her newest novel, Gods & Monsters, is currently being serialized on MetaStellar:

A poetry collection, An Illegal Feast, is due out this March published by Broadstone Media.

She is a member of SFWA & HWA.

Her art has been collected internationally.

Check out paintings, writing, musings, and books at: and

And email her at if you want to subscribe to her upcoming newsletter - a free story once a month is included!

Follow her @

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Keith LaFountaine is a writer from Vermont and an affiliate HWA member. His short fiction has appeared in The Vanishing Point Magazine, Tales To Terrify, and Bewildering Stories. Other work can be found on his website,

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Eve Morton is a writer living in Ontario, Canada. She teaches university and college classes on media studies, academic writing, and genre literature, among other topics. Find more info on

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Donna J. W. Munro's pieces are published in Corvid Queen, Enter the Apocalypse, It Calls from the Forest, Apparition Lit, Pseudopod 752, Shakespeare Unleashed, Novus Monstrum, ParABnormal, and many more. Check out her novels, Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book 1, Runaway: PCB2, and Revolution: PCB3. Her website has a complete list of works at

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Eva Papasoulioti is a Greek writer of speculative fiction and poetry. Her work has appeared in Uncanny, Strange Horizons, Nature Futures, and elsewhere, and has been nominated for the Rhysling and Dwarf Stars Awards. She lives in Athens with her spouse and their two cats.You can find her on X/twitter and Bluesky @epapasoulioti and on her blog

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Like a magpie, Rhonda Parrish is constantly distracted by shiny things. She’s the editor of many anthologies and author of plenty of books, stories and poems (some of which have even lost awards!). She lives in Edmonton, Alberta, and she can often be found there playing Dungeons and Dragons, bingeing crime dramas, making blankets or cheering on the Oilers.

Her website, updated regularly, is at and her Patreon, updated even more regularly, is at

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Brian Malachy Quinn uses watercolors, pen and ink, digital media, block prints, and etchings. As an artist he has won 23 international juried awards in last 26 months and sold 45 illustrations to date. He has always created art since early childhood. His style can be surreal for speculative fiction or literary fiction, or realistic for his fallback of lion paintings. He is compelled to create art and does so every day and finds it as a way to put aside his worries and stresses and produce "good brain chemicals".

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Desmond Rhae has spent his whole life exploring a deep interest in art, writing, and music. After earning a college degree in graphic design, he’s focused on independent work as a writer and artist. Alongside writing his sci-fi novel, he also works as Editor and Illustrator at Starward Shadows eZine. His pieces have been selected for publications such as Cosmic Horror Monthly. You can find out more at

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Matthew Roy (he/him) lives in the American Midwest. He's moved from a small town to a big city, from a rambling farmhouse to a small apartment, and from a major corporation to an up-and-comer. He's writing more. He's making changes. He's querying his first novel and banging away at his second. His speculative poetry has appeared in Eternal Haunted Summer, Haven Spec, Illumen Magazine, The Quarter(ly) Journal, The Sprawl Mag, and star*line.

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Carl Scharwath has appeared globally with 175+ journals selecting his writing or art. Carl has published four poetry and photography books. He was nominated for four The Best of the Net Awards (2022-25) and two different 2023 Pushcart nominations for poetry and a short story.

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Oliver Smith is a visual artist and writer from Cheltenham, UK. He is inspired by Tristan Tzara, J G Ballard, and Max Ernst; by the poetry of chance encounters, by frenzied rocks towering above the silent swamp; by unlikely collisions between place and myth and memory.

His poetry has been published in Abyss & Apex, Ink, Sweat, and Tears, Strange Horizons and Sylvia Magazine and has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

He holds a PhD in Literary and Critical Studies from the University of Gloucestershire.

For more information see his website:

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Raiff Taranday has spent most of his adult life as an elementary school teacher in locations ranging from Chelsea, MA to Kyiv, Ukraine. He was teaching fifth graders in China in 2020 and went on vacation to Hanoi right before the initial outbreak of COVID-19. He was subsequently swept up in a wave of global catastrophe that eventually deposited him back home in the United States. He currently resides not far from where he was born, in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, with an undisclosed number of imaginary pets and a girlfriend who is usually pretty nice to him. You can find more of his work in the Rumen Literary Journal, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, and on the Kaidankai podcast.

Twitter handle:

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Marge Simon is a writer/poet/illustrator living in Ocala, FL, USA. A multiple Stoker winner, HWA Lifetime Achievement awardee and Grand Master of SFPA, her works appear in Asimov’s, Daily Science Fiction, Silver Blade, Penumbric, Magazine of F&SF, and more, as well as anthologies such as Chiral Mad, Qualia Nous, Spectral Realms. Instagram: margesimonwrites

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Luke Walker has been writing horror and dark thrillers for most of his life after finding a copy of Lovecraft’s stories that his eldest brother left in the bathroom. From there, he went on to his dad’s collection of Stephen King books and hasn’t looked back since. His novels include the recent horror The Ninth Circle as well as The Kindred, Pandemonium, The Dead Room, The Unredeemed, Ascent, Die Laughing, Dead Sun, Winter Graves and others. Several of his short stories have been published online and in magazines/books. While writing, he has worked in a library, a hospital (disposing of severed legs) and a record shop (back in the distant past).

Luke is (too) active on Twitter/X and Bluesky and loves to hear from people who want to talk about books.

He is forty-seven and lives in England with his wife, cats, too many bad films and not enough books.

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Antonia Rachel Ward is an author of horror and speculative fiction, based in Cambridgeshire, UK. Her short stories and poetry have been published by Flame Tree Press, the British Science Fiction Association, and Dark Recesses, among others. Her first novel, DreamScape, was published in October 2023, and in 2024 she published her first poetry chapbook, The Patron (Querencia Press, July 2024). She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Ghost Orchid Press.

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Aaron Zimmerman is a software engineer, writer, and musician. He can often be found conducting pit orchestras for musicals playing in the western suburbs of chicago. His writing has also appeared in Story Hack, New Myths, and Metaphorisis Magazine. Check out his music at or more stories at

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